
Tag Archives: Ted Cruz

The time for games is over. It is time to make a choice. It is time to make a stand. We have seen the votes in the Senate, we have seen the votes in Iowa, we have seen the votes in New Hampshire, and the path forward is clear. There is only one candidate going forward that has a chance of winning the White House. There is only one candidate that can save this nation from the ice clutches of progressive insanity. That candidate is Senator Ted Cruz.
Senator Cruz has proven that he is the only candidate that has the ability to bring unity, not just of the Republican Party, but of the entire conservative movement. We need a man who can unite everyone who wants a smaller, limited government, everyone who believes in liberty. Ted Cruz is that man.
Progressive forces are already marshaling to defeat him. Telling us that he is too conservative to win the White House. Telling us that he will fall flat on his face. I ask you, why, why should we listen to these people. Why should we listen to Presidential misfires like John McCain, Bob Dole, and Mitt Romney? What do these people know about winning the White House? All they managed to achieve was showing us how to lose.

John McCain ran as the moderate who could work across the aisle. Look what that got us, four years of Barack Obama. John McCain’s moderate beliefs paved the way for Obamacare, the porkulus bill, four years of trillion, 1,000,000,000 dollar deficits.

Mitt Romney ran as a compassionate conservative, the conservative who could reach across the aisle, the conservative who could win. But let’s not forget his progressive heart. He created the frame work for Obamacare. He lacked a firm belief in conservative principles. He sounded the part, but the concept of limited government eluded him. What did this get us? Four years of President Barack Obama. Four more years of radical leftist ideology. Four years of rule by executive order. The implementation of Obamacare. A perpetual assault on our Constitutional Republic.

So now I have to ask you, with all of the damage that has been done, can we afford to mess around in 2016? Can we afford to listen to progressives, Democrat pundits, and presidential losers? The answer is no. We must send forth a strong Conservative, a True Conservative who is willing to fight for liberty, fight for the Constitution, and fight to return autonomy over our lives to where it belongs, our hands.
There are many choices in the GOP field right now. However, only one has a chance at winning the White House, who has what it takes to defeat Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Only one who can finally fire back at their radical ideology and cast it back into the abyss where it belongs. That man is Senator Ted Cruz.

Oh I am sure there are many who doubt me. Who have bought into the establishment’s belief that we can’t be conservative? Or those who actually think that Democrats want to share their votes with us. But if you open up your eyes, and refuses to cave into their sirens call towards ignorance, there is only one choice before us. Conservative Principles are the only way to reclaim our nation.

Let us start, as we always do, by looking at the facts. The two largest wave elections in American History took place in 2010, and 2014. What caused such massive discontent in the hearts of the American People? Was it the conservatives in congress? Prior to 2010 you would be hard pressed to find a conservative; the Democrats had super majorities in both houses. Conservative Republicans had been all but wiped out. The answer, President Obama’s radical ideology. The TEA Party sprang up to fight this radical abomination of Democracy, and march towards tyrannical socialism. The result, the GOP took the House.

Now many would say that this was a fluke. Obviously people were even more upset at the GOP because in 2012 they didn’t elect Mitt Romney. I propose to you that the reason people were upset in 2012; the reason why 4,000,000 conservatives who voted for John McCain in 2008 stayed home in 2012 was because the GOP lacked the spine, the will power to act as an opposition party. The American People saw nothing from John Boehner, or in Mitt Romney to push back against the progressive storm facing the nation.

2014 once again saw a wave election. The people of this nation had been force to stand by and watch as they were demonized and belittled by the President and Harry Reid. Senator Reid blaming the stagnation of the GOP when in fact he refused to allow over 300 bills passed in the House to reach the floor of the Senate. We were forced to watch as President Obama ruled as a king, enforcing his will with the stroke of a pen. So in 2014 the people cried out “ENOUGH”. The election of 2014 was so consequential that Democrats are now an endangered species across the county.

The people of the country want someone to push back. To fight against the insanity of the progressive ideology. Why else would they have elected the opposition party in two midterm elections? If they wanted more of President Obama’s radical agenda surely they would have voted in more Democrats so as to push it through.
So for a quick recap:
2008: Progressive John McCain lost to Progressive Barack Obama
2010: Conservative lead TEA Party devastates progressives in the House
2012: Moderate Mitt Romney lost to Progressive Barack Obama
2014: The Nation shoves Democrats out of office to oppose the President’s Agenda

Please tell me where the evidence that the nation is against the principles of Limited Government, and Maximum Individual Liberty. If it is there I cannot see it.

Now let’s move on to some more recent elections that have taken place, these dealing with the nomination process for the Republican Party. Specifically Iowa and New Hampshire.
Senator Cruz won Iowa, a conservative strong hold. This is not really a surprise; he is the strongest conservative in the race.
The greater surprise came in New Hampshire. There were two factors that should have greatly limited Senator Cruz’s ability to win in New Hampshire. The first and most obvious is that after spending the necessary time, money, and energy in Iowa, there was not a lot of time left to campaign in New Hampshire. This is why your more progressive candidates like John Kasich and Donald Trump skipped over much of Iowa.

The second reason that Cruz should have been blown away in New Hampshire is that New Hampshire has become a bastion of the progressive movement. They haven’t voted for a Republican in a Presidential Race since 2000.

Yet despite both of these crippling handicaps Senator Ted Cruz finished third. Yes, Senator Ted Cruz came in third in New Hampshire, a state that saw Bernie Sanders stand Triumphant on the Democrat side. Conservative Ted Cruz came in third, in this bastion of progressive politics, after spending less than every other candidate on the Republican side.

Let’s see just how much the other candidates spent, and how well they fared shall we?
Donald Trump spent $40 a vote
John Kasich spent $269 a vote
Ted Cruz spent $18 a vote
Jeb Bush spent $1,150 a vote
Marco Rubio spent $508 a vote
Chris Christie spent $852 a vote

the only person who Senator Cruz outspent was Ben Carson. Despite their massive spending, Jeb Bush, Rubio, and Christie fell to Ted Cruz. The fog is starting to lift, and the choice is starting to become clear.

At this point there is only one conservative option left, only one that will give us a chance to preserve this nation. It is time to stand behind Senator Ted Cruz.
Far too often the conservatives of this party divide themselves allowing a moderate to slip through and lose in the general election. This time around that moderate is Donald Trump. If you don’t want Donald Trump as your candidate, and you don’t want Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton as your President, you have but one choice, stand behind Ted Cruz.

A vote for Marco Rubio, or Ben Carson, both honorable men, is a vote for the ideology of Bernie Sanders. Let us face the facts; Marco Rubio failed to win in conservative Iowa. Marco Rubio failed to win in progressive New Hampshire. He far out spent Ted Cruz, and still lost to him. All his candidacy is doing is serving to strip votes away from the only viable candidate we have left.

I was not a Ted Cruz man myself. I liked him, but I harbored strong doubts about his ability to win. I have always been a strong Rand Paul supporter. I supported Ron Paul before him. It is time to face reality. Senator Cruz is the only proven conservative in this race that can win the White House.

I know what Rubio supporters are thinking, and I want you to stop and think before you respond with this statement, “Marco Rubio is the conservative that can win”. Mitt Romney was the “Conservative that could win”. It is time to step away from the politics of the past, and step into a new age. An age of reason, an age of liberty by law. Marco Rubio might make a fine President, but he will never win the nomination, or for that matter the White House.

This election became even more critical with the passing of Supreme Court Justice Scalia. The next President will most likely have to fill his seat. Who do you want making that nomination? Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, or perhaps Bernie Sanders. Maybe we’d like another progressive Republican to nominate someone. Look how well President Bush’s John Roberts votes. How many times has he abandoned rule of law for the popular choice? Obamacare mandate comes to mind. How about redefining the rules of the English Language to change the meaning of the word States, from being multiple bodies, to the Federal Government? Personally I want a Constitutional Scholar such as Ted Cruz making that decision.

With each passing day it becomes harder and harder to overcome the progressives in this race. With each day they grow bolder. So when the inevitable happens, and Marco Rubio drops from the race, I only pray it isn’t too late to prevent the disaster a Trump, Clinton, or Sanders presidency holds in store.

It is time to choose. Do we choose to back Senator Ted Cruz, or do we choose to give up our Republic forsaking the liberty and prosperity it has safeguarded for over 200 years. The choice is yours.

Last week Senator Ted Cruz showed the world just why it is that he is one of the three legitimate candidates in the GOP field. When you run as a Republican there are a few things you have to understand, first and foremost is do not expect fair treatment from the media.  You could be the smartest man on the planet, they could agree with everything you say, but because you have a R in front of your name, they assume their job is to ultimately destroy you.

This is a trap that Republican candidates fall into far to often.  They assume the media is unbiased, and is just interested in getting the story out to the people.  For some reason or other, they also choose to listen to Democrats and Progressives, who tell them that they cannot defend themselves in front of the media. They cannot challenge the media, they have to accept the premise of whatever argument the media throws out, and then try to defend themselves against it.  If they don’t, if they stand up to the media, if they dare stand up for themselves, if they dare call out so called “reporters”, they will only serve to upset the “independents”… or is it the moderates this year… no the moderates were the “must win in” 2008… I digress.  Republicans fall for this trick, far to often, and thus are never able to go on the offensive. They can never talk about their agenda. They can only defend against attacks from the media.

I have to applaud Senator Ted Cruz for how he reacted the other day, when a reporter tried to snare him in this trap.  I hold that Senator Ted Cruz is probably one of the smartest men on the planet.  His mind is sharp, quick, and he never allows his mouth to out run brain. This intelligence, had led to a sense of confidence, which helps to prevent Senator Cruz from falling into this classic progressive trap.

A clear example occurred just last week in Beaumont Texas. Senator Cruz was approached by a reporter and asked this question, “Do you have a personal animosity against gay Americans?” This is a classic question to draw a lesser candidate into the trap. To progressives there are only two options for the Republican to take.  Option one, they take a stand against gay rights, this is the route that most progressives hope they take. They come out against gay rights, thus opening the flood gates for countless campaign ads, and donations to the Democrat Party.  They get to say things like “Candidate A is a bigot” or “Candidate A is stuck living in the dark ages”.   The other option, the candidate tries to reach out to the “moderates”, and does not really come out against gay rights, but he does not condemn them either.  Progressives still get to claim that the candidate is a bigot, and the candidate has now alienated the conservative base.  A win win.

Ted Cruz though, Ted Cruz is far to smart to drawn into that trap.  He responded by rejecting the premise of the argument being made. He did not accept that this concept that he has a hostility towards gays, and must defend himself. Instead he exposed the media for the spineless hypocrites they are.  Senator Cruz responded by saying “Let me ask a question.  Is there something about the left, and I’m gonna put the media in this category, that’s obsessed with sex?  Why is it that the only question you want to ask concerns homosexuals?  Okay, you can ask those questions over and over and again.  I recognize that you’re reading questions from MSNBC”

The reporter, would not accept that answer, so he asked again, “Do you have a personal animosity against gay Americans?”

Senator Cruz replied,  “I recognize you want to ask another question about gay rights.  Well, you know, ISIS is executing homosexuals.  You want to talk about gay rights, this week was a very bad week for gay rights ’cause the expansion of ISIS, the expansion of radical theocratic Islamic zealots that crucify Christians, that behead children, and that murder homosexuals, that ought to be concerning you far more than asking six questions all on the same topic”

Before I go on, I have to stop and say, this is the first time that I can remember hearing an elected official call the progressives out on this issue.  It is always, “Republicans hate women”, “republicans hate gays”,  but progressives stand silent when gays and women are massacred in the streets in the middle east.  Hillary Clinton accepts money from many of these nations.   Ted Cruz is the only elected person I have heard call progressives out on this.  To expose their hypocrisy, to expose the lie of their war on individuality.  They claim conservatives hate women because we stand against abortion, but they stand silent when Islamic extremists cut a woman’s hand off, or bury her up to her neck and stone her to death.  We are told that conservatives hate homosexuals because they oppose gay marriage, but progressives like President Obama and Hillary Clinton try to negotiate with radical Islamic extremists while they murder thousands of gays in the street.   Senator Cruz highlights this hypocrisy, and I think deserves a medal for it.

Back on topic.

The reporter was still not satisfied, and against asked “do you have a personal animosity against gay Americans?”

Senator Cruz replied, “Do you have a personal animosity against Christians, sir?  Your line of questioning is highly curious.  You seem fixated on a particular subject.  Look, I’m a Christian.  Scripture commands us to love everybody.  And what I have been talking about with respect to same-sex marriage is the Constitution, which is what we should all be focused on.  The Constitution gives marriage to elective state legislatures.  It doesn’t give the power of marriage to a president or to unelected judges to tear down the decisions enacted by democratically elected state legislatures.”

An there it is, Senator Cruz drives the final nail into this line of questioning’s coffin.  He explained his religious beliefs, then, without skipping a beat, flipped the argument on its head.  He changed it from “look, look at the bigoted Christian Conservative,  he hates gays, look at him, look at how evil he is.” to an argument of “Why do you hate Christians”, but better than that he changed the premise of the argument.  He brought the conversation back to the concept of rule of law.  The Constitution does not give the power to regulate marriage to the Federal Government, it gives it to the states, and to the people.

So Senator Cruz turned the tables on this would be political assassin. This hack did not get his headline, instead most people have never even heard of this exchange.  It was swept under the rug, because it showed just how viable a threat to the progressive movement Senator Ted Cruz is.  He did not cave to progressive pressure, he did not attack them and make himself look like a monster, he stood up for his beliefs, and took the fight to them.  He did so in a calm, level headed, and elegant manner.

Ted Cruz, looking more and more like a President every day.

Here is a clip of the exchange.

The other day I was watching coverage of the GOP Candidates in New Hampshire  and I heard the Democrat’s dream candidate Jeb Bush make this comment, “I have a conservative record, probably the most effective conservative governor. I would match my record with anybody that’s thinking about running or any governor of the last 20 years. It’s an I’m-not-kidding conservative record, it’s one of results.” Poor Governor Bush, he has apparently not realized it yet, I am sure that progressives have.

Look, If you have to tell people that you are a conservative, if you have to constantly declare “I AM A CONSERVATIVE”, you are in serious trouble when it comes to being a Republican Candidate.  If he wants to win the White House, he has to not only convince the conservatives in the GOP that he is in fact a conservative, he must then convince independents of the same thing come the general election.  This is not going to happen if he has to tell people “I am a conservative”.  His actions, his policies, must match what he says.

A candidate that must say “I am a Conservative” might well as not be one. More importantly has no business in running for the Republican Presidential Nomination.

look no one doubts the conservative credentials of serious contenders such as Senator Rand Paul, Senator Ted Cruz, or Governor Scott Walker. They are out telling people what they want to do, what a Cruz Presidency will mean, what a Paul Presidency will mean. They are talking about what they will do, and the people know that they are conservative voices.   Governor Bush is doing no such thing, he sounds like Mitt Romney running around telling people that he is a conservative.   I personally do not want another Mitt Romney, I would rather nominate a candidate that is going to win, not just give us a good show.

It is nothing personal against Jeb Bush, I am sure he is a good man, he might even make a good President, but we will never know because he does not stand a snow ball’s chance in Dixie of winning the White House.  I do not want a candidate that is going to go out and give a good show. I do not want to see a candidate that is going to give it his all, and get our hopes up. I do not want to watch another Establishment candidate give a concession speech, and be forced to endure four more year of progressive wrought ruin and despair. We are playing for keeps,  we are playing for the survival of our nation,  and in this race there are no fancy silver medals for silver place.

This is to all members of the GOP,

If you are adamant that you do not want to see Hilary Clinton as President. If you are truly desperate to ensure that President Barack Obama does not get a third term, then pay attention to what I have to say.   I am noticing a vary dangerous trend starting to appear once again. A narrative is being spun that threatens to lead to Hillary Clinton’s Coronation. A trend that was present in 2008, and 2012, a dangerous trend that progressives are ecstatic to see.  One that I have been warning about sense before the 2012 primary. The media, even pundits at Fox News, are trying to per-ordain who will be the Republican Presidential Candidate. If you are a conservative, a true limited government conservative, if you are someone who is terrified of Hillary Clinton being President, you should be very, very concerned.

During the 2008 presidential cycle, the GOP had a very weak field to choose from. You had on one side a progressive “maverick” Senator John McCain, who was known for reaching a crossed the aisle, working with Democrats to get things done. In the middle you had moderate former Governor Mike Huckabee, a smooth talking pastor from Arkansas. Then on the relative right you had former Governor Mitt Romney (how sad was it that a moderate like Mitt Romney was the most conservative option).  I still say to this day that Mitt Romney is too moderate to win the White House, however, in 2008 he might have stood a chance.  He was clean spoken, unburdened by the fiasco of Obamacare, had executive experience, and was an inspiring political figure. Mitt Romney came into the 2008 primary season with a victory in the 2007 CPAC straw poll.  He had the crucial conservative backing needed to win the White House, he was not trying to unseat a sitting president, he most likely would have won the 2008 Presidential race.  Why didn’t he?

That is a great question, to which the answer is very simple.  First of all, the pundits painted a picture of a GOP in collapse. The Bush Years were so terrible there was no way that a conservative Republican could possibly win the White House. This scared conservatives, they were scared of what would happen to this country if Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama were elected.   Then the pundits started pushing “the GOP has to run someone who can reach a crossed the aisle to appeal to moderates.”   So rather than choosing a relatively strong candidate such as Mitt Romney, the pundits started pushing for progressive John McCain, the Maverick of The Senate, the only man who stood a prayer of winning the moderate vote, the only man who “Could Win the White House”.   During  the primary season Senator McCain enjoyed favorable coverage from both conservative and progressive pundits alike, Democrat supporters even seemed to fawn over him.  So naturally, devoid of any creditable qualifications for the nomination,  John McCain became the GOP front runner.  His job became easy when Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney split the conservative vote, paving the way for McCain to become the first Republican to lose to President Barack Obama in 2008.

Progressives played an incredible game in 2008, they tricked the GOP into running the weakest candidate they had. Democrats actually managed to convince Republicans that they were trying to help them win elections.  It is because of this idea of “we have to beat Barack Obama, we can’t worry about our principles. We just have to nominate someone who can win”, that Barack Obama became President of The United States.

We all know what the next year under President Barack Obama was like.  In 2009 we saw the passage of the so called “Stimulus Bill” (commonly referred to in my writings as the Porkulus bill), and with it the federal deficit rise from $458,000,000,000.00 (billion) in 2008 to a staggering $1,413,000,000,000.00 (trillion) in 2009 (we would not see a deficit below a trillion dollars until sequester cuts in 2013). We saw General Motors bought by the federal government, money illegally stolen from bond holders to make Union pensions whole,  all under the supposed threat that General Motors would go bankrupt and cease to exist.  Ironically despite the government buy out, once the UAW was given 17.5% ownership of GM (ensuring that Union Contracts could not be re-negotiated during bankruptcy),  General Motor’s filed for bankruptcy. Wouldn’t you know it,  they are still making cars today.

The people had had enough. They said no more.  Conservatives rose up, and told the government to take notice. The people told the thugs in D.C. we did not want this socialist agenda, and most importantly they did not want Obamacare.  We all knew what all of this out of control spending, and massive expansion of government would mean, billions in new taxes.  Hard economic times forced American’s to tighten their belts, while politicians spent our money like crazy.  We had had enough, we were taxed enough already, thus the T.E.A. Party was born.  We held tax day rallies all around the country, we marched on D.C. in a rally of unprecedented size.

Progressives in both parties knew what the TEA Party was, it was a threat to the power that big government granted them.  They knew that the TEA Party was a new way forward, thus it had to be destroyed.   President Obama belittled members of the TEA Party. CNN sent out news anchors to try and paint the TEA Party as radical wackos, something I can say for a fact they are not.  We were labeled extremists, We were labeled radicals, and We were labeled as bigots.  The truth was plain to see. The rallies were not violent, they were not dangerous, TEA Party members did not set fire to police cruisers, destroy public property, or leave utter devastation in their wake (see occupy Wall Street for some contrast).  Despite their best efforts President Obama’s pets in the media, and terrified Establishment Republicans could not stop the TEA Party movement.  The TEA Party lead the GOP to the largest transference of power in American History.  In 2010 the Democrats lost 700 seats nation wide, because of the TEA Party movement.

Now that should have been a launch pad that would have led to the Progressive Movement’s ultimate and final defeat. 2012 should have seen the Tyrant of The Senate dethroned, and President Obama defeated.  As we all know that did not happen. The ignorance of Establishment Republicans guaranteed President Barack Obama would keep the White House and Harry Reid would continue to stifle our republican form of government. Progressive pundits once again convinced Establishment Republicans to abandon the clear majority that had propelled them to victory in 2010, in favor of a losing strategy they had employed in 2008.  They sent a moderate Mitt Romney up against an entrenched President. Why? Why did they send a weak candidate like Mitt Romney to combat President Obama? The answer is simple, progressive pundits did nothing but support him during the primary season. They would say things like “Mitt Romney is the GOP’s only real hope”, “Mitt Romney can win the independents, which the GOP has to do to win”.  Guess what, the Establishment bought it hook line and sinker. I reported on my old blog that if Mitt Romney won the nomination, President Obama would win the election. God I hate being right all the time.

In 2007, Mitt Romney won CPAC, the GOP ran John McCain, and President Obama won.  In 2011 Ron Paul won CPAC, the GOP ran Mitt Romney, President Obama won.  It is time that the GOP stops listening to people like Bob Beckel, Lindsy Graham, and John McCain and start listening to the Conservative base of the party. It is time for the GOP to start listening to the people who want them to win, rather than the people who want them to lose.  I will say this probably a thousand times before the the Primary is over, so let me make it painfully clear right now,


The Democrat party has no interest in sharing power with the Republicans.  Understand that. I can already see Establishment Republicans, and progressive pundits preparing the narrative that they want to see. They are pushing for the Nomination of former governor Jeb Bush. They will begin creating the “its inevitable” narrative very soon. They have already begun laying its ground work. Special Report’s “Candidate Casino” never has a shortage of progressive/Democrat pundits who put big money on Jeb Bush, despite the fact that a huge portion of the GOP electorate say they will never vote for him.

Progressives will soon try and push real threats to Hilary Clinton such as Senator Rand Paul, Senator Ted Cruz, and Governor Scott Walker, to the side, claiming that they are second tier candidates. They will attack them without end, and prop up cannon fodder candidates like Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush.  Mark my words, if Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio wins the Nomination, Hillary Clinton will be free to skip her way to the White House. The media will eviscerate push overs like Bush and Rubio in a matter of months.

So Beware conservatives, a primary vote for Bush or Rubio is a vote for Hillary Clinton.

The Cruz has set sail.  Texas Senator Ted Cruz announced Monday that he is officially running for President of the United States.  This was met with cheers from conservatives, and predictably nothing but outrage and mockery from the progressives in the GOP Establishment, the Democrat Party, and of course in the media.  What should we take away from this announcement, what should we expect going forward, and does Ted Cruz have what it takes to win the White House.

To begin, Ted Cruz made a phenomenal speech to launch his Presidential bid. He delivered an impassioned speech, that fired up the crowd. He spoke from the heart, and delivered a speech devoid of stuttering or losing his place. He did all of this without the use of a teleprompter. Why is this important, why does his ability to speak so eloquently without the use of a prompter so important? There are several reasons. Primarily it shows us that Ted Cruz is not just up there regurgitating some speech mathematically designed to appeal to all sides.  His ability to articulate his thoughts and beliefs without a prompter shows us that he is speaking from the heart, he is saying what he actually believes.  He has a firm grasp on the issues, and knows just how he feels about them. This is hugely important in the up coming blood bath in 2016. Ted Cruz has shown that he is able to articulate his view points without the use a prompter, which means that he actually understands them. He is not just blowing smoke, he is not the product of a hundred different consultants forging a view point.  He is far less likely to slip, make a mistake, to open himself up to controversy. A clear example would be the last GOP nominee, I believe he was the establishment candidate, Mitt Romney, and his 47% remark. Yes it was taken out of context, but it doesn’t matter it hurt him in the polls and allowed Barack Obama another four years to implement his radical agenda.

Its funny though, I do like how the media has responded to Ted Cruz’s speech, pure and utter shock.  No man is supposed to be able to speak that long, that fluently, and do so without a prompter.  Perhaps they are worried because his mastery of the English language and understanding of his conservative views will not make him gaff prone as the “front runner” Jeb Bush.  Or maybe the reason they are so worried is that Ted Cruz is actually a fantastic speaker, he is what President Obama pretends to be. He can actually deliver an exciting and impassioned speech, not just read one.  (Of course I could easily see this as becoming an progressive argument against the Senator. I could see them arguing that Ted Cruz is so stupid he can’t read.

Progressives are worried about Ted Cruz running for President, they know that he is a real threat to Hilary Clinton’s candidacy. Establishment Republicans do not want Ted Cruz to win, because it would spell the end of their iron clad grip on the party.  JEB Bush is a party man, he is the guy who will tow the party line, he won’t threaten the GOP’s spineless lilly-livered idealogy that delivered President Obama the Presidency in both 2008 and 2012.

When people like Peter King are mocking Ted Cruz, you know he is a viable candidate.  When progressives push Jeb Bush and call Ted Cruz and second tier candidate, you know he is the one that they do not want to run.  Ted Cruz can unite the GOP, Ted Cruz can articulate the concepts of Conservationism, Ted Cruz can win the Presidency. The first viable candidate has entered the 2016 race.

Because of this, Ted Cruz will have his family destroyed, his reputation assaulted, and of course he will be portrayed as a moron. They will try and make a big deal out of the fact that, while he is a natural born US Citizen, he was not born in the United States. They will ignore that both of his Parents are United States Citizens, thus making him a natural born US Citizen eligible to run for the office of President of the United States. Of course, they could just be attacking him because he is of Hispanic decent. I know Whoopi Goldberg has already made incendiary remarks towards that end. They will also point out that he has only been in the Senate a Senator for a short time, and has no real executive experience. Ironic, everything that disqualifies Ted Cruz, they once served as qualifications for Barack Obama.

Of course there are differences between two.  Ted Cruz for example has done more in his short time in the Senate that President Obama. During his time in the Senate President Obama missed 24.2% of the votes, by contrast Senator Ted Cruz has only missed 8.2%. Senator Cruz appears proud of his academic success at Harvard, while we are not allowed to know about President Obama’s. Ted Cruz does not have a record of voting “Present” in order to avoid difficult issues.

Ultimately the greatest sign that Ted Cruz is a viable presidential candidate is the fact that the media is trying to brush him off.  They do not want him to win the nomination because they know that he can unite the Conservative Base of the GOP, inspire them to turn out in big numbers, and ultimately win the White House.  People who want Jeb Bush to run, will vote for Cruz just because he is the GOP nominee.

Ted Cruz, 2016, a real possibility.